Love Makes a Mom
Love Makes a Mom
Happy Mother’s Day to all the caregivers who have stepped into “mom shoes!” We know that sometimes you aren’t born into your family, but you choose them and they choose you. We also know that not all families look the same, and take this opportunity to appreciate all the love, care, and support that caregivers of all kinds provide for us. We see you and we value you!
Today I am highlighting three of the strong women in my life.
Yasmin: My mom
Mom had my back from the minute I was born. A few years ago she explained why she had named me Shannon. I had always appreciated that it meant “small and wise,” and liked to joke that I was at least one of those things, but it’s an unusual name for where we are from. She told me that the name felt strong to her, that it was a name that would protect me and give me the strength to be who I am no matter who or what I am faced with.
When I think of my mom I see someone who grew with kindness and acceptance and respect for herself and for others. I see someone who was diligent in becoming who she wanted to be no matter what obstacles she was faced with. She taught me to be resilient. She taught me to take no flack and do no harm.
She has been a huge force and motivation behind Little Wish Toys and I look forward to seeing where things will go and to all the joy she will continue to spread.
Salwa: My siti
I was a very crabby baby. Very crabby. To the relief of everyone else I grew past that, but from the moment I met siti we had a connection and understanding. I loved her immediately.
Siti was a first generation American who worked hard, loved and supported her family, and kept her values close to her. She was seemingly mild, but was built with the inner strength of a lion. Her patience was boundless. She loved secrets and would hold and treat them with care. She loved her Turkish coffee and nothing was ever going to get in between her and her ever growing cups of it.
Siti taught me not only to have courage but to be authentic. I learned that boundaries are a form of kindness and keep relationships balanced and healthy. I also learned how to knit from her and to this day every time I create something new my first impulse is to share it with her. When you see the fiber crafts and funky embroidery kits on our website you’ll know they were inspired by her!
Maria Dolores: My abuela
It’s sadly been a few years since we have seen each other face to face, though my mom and I periodically Skype with our overseas family members. When I was a kid all I wanted to do was share my life experiences with abuela. She gave me the space to feel like one of the most important people in the world no matter what I was discussing or learning or doing. When at eleven I doodled a scale drawing of the globe onto a tangerine she kept it. And as the tangerine shrunk, so did the globe and I felt so proud and special that what had felt like a small thing was treated with so much value by her.
I thought her house was a wonderland. It was full of figurines, magical keys, and all the arts and crafts supplies you could dream of. Lunch with her was always an event and a time for everyone to connect and share something delicious and special together.
From abuela I also learned that no one else should have the power to make you feel like less than you are. She taught me that sometimes it’s okay to be stubborn, and that you should hold onto what’s important with you. She taught me to treat all animals with kindness. I was always much more introverted and shy, but abuela was a social butterfly. It didn’t matter who you were, how old you were, or where you came from she was always interested in your story and found ways to connect and build bridges. She taught me to show interest in and be curious about the world and people around me, and how to develop and maintain my own strong friendships.
I have so much gratitude and love for the three of these women. Thank you for the love, the support, and for making this world a better place.