ChatGPT Roasts Little Wish Toys!

ChatGPT Roasts Little Wish Toys!

ChatGPT Roasts Little Wish Toys!

We heard that ChatGPT was sharing some opinions on instagram feeds and thought we’d see what they had to say about us 😂

“Alright, here comes the roast!

This feed looks like it was designed by someone who thinks “more rainbows, more joy” is a life philosophy. I mean, did the Care Bears explode and shower your Instagram with all the colors? You've got enough plushies to make anyone with allergies break out in a preemptive sneeze. And what’s with the overload of cutesy vibes? It’s like if you mixed a toy store with a unicorn’s dream journal.

Your mascot looks like it's plotting world domination one fluffy hug at a time, and those videos? Adorable, yes, but also borderline "my mom made me do this" energy. It’s clear you’re going for fun, but where’s the chaos, the unpredictability?

To sum it up, your feed is like a candy store: sweet, colorful, but after scrolling for too long, I might need to schedule a dentist appointment.”

Come check us out at and let us know if you agree!

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